A: Let’s touch bases

Hello, there, and happy February! This past week brought some updates on stories Charley and/or I have discussed before, and I just couldn’t resist revisiting them. Just so you all know, I’m super tired at the moment, so this is going to be a bit sparse.

Obama’s college savings tax crashes to earth

The author’s speculation about opposition to taxes that only affect wealthy people reminded me of John Oliver’s commentary on the lottery. I think the author’s on to something: people ignore how unlikely it is that they’ll ever have enough money to worry about taxes like these.

Emma Watson launches new gender equality initiative: Share your HeForShe stories

Over the past few months, I have seen and heard about some misguided criticism of Emma Watson and HeForShe from internet feminists. Many are terrible at furthering the cause, so of course some of them don’t know a good thing when they see it, but I feel like it strikes a good balance.

‘Doctor Who’s’ Peter Davison not keen on female Doctors

I was disappointed when I read this. I haven’t really watched any of the 5th Doctor’s stories, but every time I see a Peter Davison interview, he seems like an awesome person. (Also, his 50th anniversary contribution was by far the best. Sorry Moffat. Sorry Gatiss.) Like, he seemed like the kind of person who would be all for a female Doctor. Alas, he is not, and I think his reasoning is kind of weak. It’s like Billie Piper all over again (I cry). Nevertheless, I’m glad he was willing to share his opinion instead of being annoyingly diplomatic. Is that the right word for people who never share their views? Diplomatic? Whatever.


Bonuses (because the situation is terribly interesting, but I’m not well-informed enough to comment):

Greece will not default on bailout debts – PM Tsipras

Spain rally: Podemos holds Madrid mass ‘March for Change’


P.S. I totally chose the wrong title, didn’t I? Today’s football day, not baseball day. Oh, well.

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